Nearly eight centuries of history of al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula have shaped an inheritance that is a part of the hallmarks of Spanish, Mediterranean and European cultures


Identity of the Berber Peoples

— Jorge Dezcallar de Mazarredo Collection —


A meeting point between the islamic East and West

— Amman (Jordan) —

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

The Routes of The legado andalusí are Cultural Route of the Council of Europe


They bring the splendour of the culture of al-Andalus closer to the public

The Routes

Cultural Route of the Council of Europe since 1997

The Foundation

Its goal is to disseminate and highlight the heritage of al-Andalus in order to recover that mark of progress and tolerance, creativity and ingenuity that contributed so much to the revival of Europe and to the enrichment of its current identity.


Cultural Itineraries

Cross-border itineraries based on the historical, social and cultural relations of al-Andalus with the Muslim world.



Publishing Work

El legado andalusí has published more than 70 books, of both scientific and educational nature, centred on historical, cultural and tourist subjects.



Ibn Battuta, the traveler of Islam

Ibn Battuta of Tangiers (1304-1368) and his world-famous rihla, or travelogue, linked to the notion of traveling in search of knowledge, provides us with interesting descriptions of his journey along a vast geographical spread, which began with his pilgrimage to Mecca.

The mystery of the Moor King’s Water Mine of Ronda

As in every border town, defence posed one of the greatest challenges both in times of peace and during armed conflicts. The important outspot of Ronda, along the Route of Almoravids and Almohads, encapsulates the secret of its awesome water mine, whose story is hardly known.

Program ENI CBC Med

UNESCO World Heritage on the Routes of El legado andalusí

The alhóndigas of Granada

All that remains of the intense commercial activity that took place in Granada in Nasrid times is the Yadida alhóndiga. Known as the Corral del Carbón (Coal Yard), it is the only one that is preserved in Spain. Today it hosts, among other cultural institutions, the headquarters of the Fundación El legado andalusí. (The Legacy of al-Andalus Foundation).

The story of the Andalusi diaspora after the expulsion of the Moriscos

After the revolt of the Alpujarras (1568), second-generation Christians established themselves in today’s Morocco and other places along the African Mediterranean coast and sub-Saharan Africa.

Alí Mandri, from Granada to the White Dove. The emigration of a free man

“Tetouan is the city on the edge of the winds, for it sits in a valley where gusts come and go while the sun and the clouds deliver hazy glare. And this valley, saturated with the scent of orange trees, is so enjoyable that is increasingly filed with new white suburbs, open and ventilated.”

Rodolfo Gil-Grimau Benumeya.

Jaén, for whoever looks for it

From the stiff crests in mount Santa Catalina, its imposing castle guards a city which from the times of Carthaginian general Hannibal , has not stopped covering the brilliant pages of it history, illustrated by its superb architectural heritage.

The discovery of Granada by the French Romantics

Travelling by the first French to visit Spain was for a military purpose: the Napoleonic Wars. Yet, they found an arsenal of poetic inspiration that was to nurture the spirit of the Romantic artists who never ceased visiting Spain, especially Andalusia.

Ignacio de las Casas, a morisco wise Jesuit a peacemaker between two worlds


The upheavals that Granadan society experienced in the 16th century, after the uncanny finding of the so-called Sacromonte Leaden Books, and the Morisco issue, gave voice to Jesuit Ignacio de las Casas, he himself of Morisco origin, to search for solutions to the problem of his ancestors.

Ignacio de las Casas, a morisco wise Jesuit a peacemaker between two worlds


The upheavals that Granadan society experienced in the 16th century, after the uncanny finding of the so-called Sacromonte Leaden Books, and the Morisco issue, gave voice to Jesuit Ignacio de las Casas, he himself of Morisco origin, to search for solutions to the problem of his ancestors.

The del Zalabí Valley. A primitive landscape

There are places whose landscape speaks volumes. In the north of the province of Granada, scarcely two kilometres from Guadix, the Valle del Zalabí (Valley of Zalabí) unfolds in a singular historic scene that fascinates the traveller.

Montefrío, the horizon as a limit

The area of Montefrío resounds with antiquity; its roots go deep into prehistory and every one of the people that have settled in its places have left their marks in stone. It is one of the attractions on the Route of Washington Irving.

Münzer, a journey through Spain in the sixteenth century


In the year 1495, just three years after the Catholic Monarchs had conquered Granada, a German traveller, Doctor Hieronymus Münzer visited Granada. He left us an important chronicle…

Münzer, a journey through Spain in the sixteenth century.


In the year 1495, just three years after the Catholic Monarchs had conquered Granada, a German traveller, Doctor Jerome Münzer visited Granada. He left us an important chronicle…

Antequera: art, history and culture

Between the Torcal Mountains and a vast fertile plain, along the Route of Washington Irving, lies the millennial city of Antequera. Cradle of illustrious characters, forerunner of the Renaissance in southern Spain, and a unique reference of the Andalusian Baroque, Antequera is…

Travelling along the Routes of El legado andalusí

Paths that make history. An adventure for the spirit that you can explore by road, on foot or cycling

European Projects

Recognition and Achievements

Agreements and Arrangements

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