Project “Tela di Aracne”
Implementation period: 2004-2006

“Tela di Aracne” was a project led by the Italian region of Tuscany that established as its main objective the development and revival of the original textile creations of the Mediterranean Region. The role of El legado andalusí was to recover the textile tradition along The Routes of El legado andalusí, as well as to influence the revitalization of these techniques and handcrafted productions from different towns in Andalusia.
Partners: Region of Toscana (leader), Region of Emilia Romagna, Region of Calabria, Region of Umbria, Region of Sicily, Museo del Tessuto di Prato (all of them Italian partners), Terrassa City Council (Spain), Ville de Marseille (France), Office National de l’Artisanat Tunisien (Tunisia), and West Region of Greece.
Countries:Italy, Spain, France, Tunisia and Greece